Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Instagram Safety

Instagram, a photo sharing application, started in 2010 and slowly began growing until it was bought by Facebook in 2012.  At that point in time, it took off and has grown exponentially since.  Many adults reading this are probably thinking that they use and love Instagram to keep up with their friends and families and to take "cool" pictures with their phones.  Students however are using it in many different ways that we should all be aware of.  Although Instagram has a policy against inappropriate or nude photos, their filters  do not keep all these photos out.  Simply by using some seemingly innocent search phrases, students can end up exposed to inappropriate photos very easily.

The Children Online Newsletter wrote a great article on Instagram this month and I recommend that you check it out.  Their newsletter is quite often full of helpful tips and things to think about so you may want to subscribe to it for free from their website as well (Children Online).  At MPH we are looking at putting together some parent sessions to help you navigate the difficult online waters with a teenager or pre-teen.  Please let me know if you would be interested in something like this and if you would find it helpful.

For all online sites, the key is monitoring what your child is doing both through your own site so you can see what their page looks like as well as by having access to their personal password and site.  This is true on Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus, etc.

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