Monday, September 24, 2012

Banana Splits

Link to Permission Slip - Please print and sign

Dear Parents,

I am writing to announce an offering in the middle school – Banana Splits.  Banana Splits is a school-based children’s group program to aid children who have experienced loss due to separation, divorce, remarriage, absent parent, and death.  Banana Splits supports children, parents, and teachers in schools across the country and around the world.

The purposes are:
·       To provide a safe place to express feelings
·       To normalize feelings through sharing
·       To train children in problem solving and coping skills
·       To increase self esteem through mutual help
·       To support parents and school staff in working with Splits kids
·       To increase communication among children, parents, and school

This group allows children with common experiences to know and learn from one another, and to support each other if a challenging situation arises.  Banana Splits is a positive, enjoyable, club-like experience, as the name suggests.  It is voluntary, on the part of both children and parents, so that members will be comfortable and willing to take full advantage of what the group has to offer.

Banana Splits will be held on Wednesdays during lunch in the Lehman Building Office, and will be facilitated by our Health & Wellness Coordinator, Kathy Kelly.  Kathy has been trained to institute and run groups for students at all age levels with divorced/deceased/single parents.  Kathy connects well with students by creating an atmosphere they feel safe sharing in.  She would be more than willing to answer any questions you may have, so please email her directly ( if you have specific questions about Banana Splits.

If you and your child are interested in your child participating in Banana Splits, please sign and return the permission slip found at: .  The slip needs to be returned to Mrs. Bernazzani in the Middle School Office by Monday, October 1st.


Kendall Hoekstra
Interim Head of Middle School

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