Thursday, December 13, 2012

Studying for Science

Science - Unit tests, quizzes, diagrams, essays, etc

  • Read the textbook chapter and complete the problems at the end
  • Make flashcards for terms
  • Read through notes and re-write them or re-word them with a friend or family member
  • See your teacher for review
  • Create your own diagram and fill it in
  • Make a song or acronym to remember vocabulary or systems
  • Create a practice test or quiz with a friend/family member
  • Re-watch informative YouTube or Khan Academy videos to re-learn content
  • Read over old homework assignments.  Re-do them if necessary
  • Complete review guide and read over it.  Look up anything you don't know on it
  • Re-do analysis questions on labs
  • Check Mr Vural's website for study tips, practice quizzes, and/or class notes
  • Find online diagrams
  • Re-write vocab words and their definitions
  • Go over review guide with friend or family member

Studying for World Language

World Language - vocabulary quizzes, oral quizzes, and chapter tests

Here are the strategies you came up with to study for World Language tests and quizzes.  Be sure to use them and let me know if you come up with more so I can add them here!
  • Study with a friend or family member- make practice quizzes or read words to each other (Study Buddies)
  • Make flashcards - use them to study by yourself or with a partner
  • Review your textbook.  Read the sections your test/quiz will be on.  Complete addition problems or sections from textbook or workbook.
  • Re-read your notes and/or borrow a friend's notes to compare to yours
  • Meet with your teacher
  • Make a practice test/quiz or have a friend make one for you and then take it
  • Look over past homework assignments
  • Find a practice quiz on the internet (Spanish Example, French Example I, II, Latin Example, Quizlet for all languages)
  • Watch videos to re-learn vocabulary (YouTube)
  • Go to the website for your textbook
  • Complete the unit review
  • Use links from your teacher's website
  • Play online games in language
  • Make a comic or story in the language using the necessary vocaubulary
  • Practice pronounciation and conversation by speaking with a friend or family member
  • Write original sentences in the language using vocabulary on test/quiz
  • Make acronyms or rhymes to remember key words

Friday, November 9, 2012

Studying for English and History

Here are the tips the Life Skills classes came up with to help study for English and History tests and quizzes.  Please feel free to email me links of particular sites you have found useful and I'll add them to our list.

English- Grammar quiz, reading quiz, Spelling/vocabulary quiz,
  • Read chapters in Painless Grammar 
  •  Re-do Brain Ticklers in Painless Grammar – check your answers!
  • Go over notes from class   
  •  Re-read chapters for reading quizzes, review your annotation
  •  Take notes while reading
  • Find grammar/spelling/vocabulary quizzes online
  • Flashcards for spelling/vocab
  •  Have parents or friend quiz you
  • See teacher in tutorial or after school and ask for review problems
  • Make graphic organizer to organize reading ideas
  • Free Rice website for vocabulary practice - be sure to choose an appropriate level

History – ICWE, Final, Unit Tests
  • Create practice ICWE
  • Read through notes (make sure you take good notes in class!)
  • Photocopy someone else’s notes if necessary.  Call a friend to compare notes
  • Check teacher’s website for terms and homework (see links)
  • Quiz with a friend, sibling, or parent 
  •  Create your own map and label it
  • Look through textbook and see what it says about the terms
  •  Study with Ms. Congel or your teacher
  • Watch online videos about topics
  • Create flashcards about terms 
    •   Make sure to have 5 points for each term
  • Create pictures to show your topics – draw on quiz to remind yourself
  • See teacher in tutorial or after school
  • Make graphic organizer to practice essay questions
  • Make acronym, song, pneumonic to memorize location or terms
  • Look up terms on reliable website
  • Re-write or type up your notes

Friday, November 2, 2012

Middle School Dance

The first Middle School dance will be held on Friday, November 9th.  It runs from 7-9:30 for 6th and 7th graders and 8th grade students get to stay until 10 PM. 

The theme of the dance is Masquerade.  Students may dress casually and will be able to make masks at the dance.

Permission slips for guests MUST be returned to Ms. Hoekstra by Thursday, November 8th.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Studying for Math Tests

This week in 7th grade Life Skills we are talking about how to study for math tests (we will go through each subject over the next month).  Here's what we came up with (in no particular order):

  • See your teacher for review - in tutorial or after school
  • Complete teacher review problems or games
  • Read over your notes
  • Complete the unit review in your textbook
  • Go over old tests or quizzes.  Re-do problems that you got incorrect the first time
  • Talk through steps to solve problems with a parent or friend
  • Make practice problems with a friend
  • Ask parents or older siblings to review with you.  Have them create a practice test
  • Work out real-life examples
  • Use flashcards for memorizing things like formulas, equivalent forms of numbers, etc
  • Use online worksheets (Google the topic and worksheet or use a site from below)
  • Watch math videos
  • Read online lessons
Remember to email me with any other ideas you come up with and I will add them to our list!

7th Grade Class Trip

MPH Permission Forms

Nature's Classroom Permission Forms

Packing List

Friday, October 12, 2012

Program Night

Thank you so much to all of you who came to Program Night last night.  I love getting to see everyone and hear how the start of the year is going for each family.

One of the things I talked about at Program Night is that we are re-evaluating the way we have done things in the past.  We want to make sure we are doing things because they are best for kids and best for the school, not just because "We have always done them that way".  Please feel free to share any thoughts you have on changes you think would be a good fit; I'm open to new ideas!

I also wanted to share the documents I handed out last night for those parents who weren't able to attend Program Night.

First is the PowerPoint presentation I gave.  It's pretty detailed with goals for the Middle School as well as new information, face of the Middle School, and upcoming important dates

I also handed out the Commitment to Community which is a document that has been discussed with all students in advisory and will be signed by the Middle School as a whole.  It reflects the way we want all Middle School students to strive to be their best in all pursuits.

I also handed out the Technology Tips Handout.  Many parents have asked me for some direction as they guide their child through all the new technology and social media.  There are some great tips in this on how to help.  Discussions will of course vary by family based on your level of comfort and values, but know that our new bullying policy does cover cyberbullying outside of school if the backlash comes into school.  Please talk with your child about what to post and what not to post as I continue to hear more and more about the negative consequences of this both in school and out.

Finally, there is the Parent Input Form to evaluate Program Night.  Please feel free to fill it out and drop it off or email it to me to help as evaluate what works for Program Night and what parents are looking to get out of it.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Middle School students have a unique opportunity to go see Bill McKibben speak at Syraucse University on Thursday, October 11th.  McKibben founded to combat global climate change and help to lower the earth's carbon dioxide levels.  He will be at SU the evening of Wednesday, October 10th to speak to the public but agreed to stay to speak with local middle school students Thursday morning. 

The Chair of the Science Department, Ms. Foster organized the trip to expose students to Mr. McKibben's ideas about climate change.  His goal is to help the world bring our CO2 levels down to 350 parts per million, the amount leading scientists say is the "safe upper limit" for carbon dioxide levels.  (

In addition to the science piece, we are working to develop students who understand that one person CAN change the world.  We want them to understand what grassroots movements look like as well as how to take an idea and turn it into action.  Having a speaker who has made this much impact, volunteer to come talk to middle school students is a great opportunity and we are excited to be a part of it.  Students are learning about climate change and putting words into action during science and advisory.  Please make sure to sign their permission slips (attached below) so they can join us for this exciting opportunity.

Permission Slip

Monday, September 24, 2012

Banana Splits

Link to Permission Slip - Please print and sign

Dear Parents,

I am writing to announce an offering in the middle school – Banana Splits.  Banana Splits is a school-based children’s group program to aid children who have experienced loss due to separation, divorce, remarriage, absent parent, and death.  Banana Splits supports children, parents, and teachers in schools across the country and around the world.

The purposes are:
·       To provide a safe place to express feelings
·       To normalize feelings through sharing
·       To train children in problem solving and coping skills
·       To increase self esteem through mutual help
·       To support parents and school staff in working with Splits kids
·       To increase communication among children, parents, and school

This group allows children with common experiences to know and learn from one another, and to support each other if a challenging situation arises.  Banana Splits is a positive, enjoyable, club-like experience, as the name suggests.  It is voluntary, on the part of both children and parents, so that members will be comfortable and willing to take full advantage of what the group has to offer.

Banana Splits will be held on Wednesdays during lunch in the Lehman Building Office, and will be facilitated by our Health & Wellness Coordinator, Kathy Kelly.  Kathy has been trained to institute and run groups for students at all age levels with divorced/deceased/single parents.  Kathy connects well with students by creating an atmosphere they feel safe sharing in.  She would be more than willing to answer any questions you may have, so please email her directly ( if you have specific questions about Banana Splits.

If you and your child are interested in your child participating in Banana Splits, please sign and return the permission slip found at: .  The slip needs to be returned to Mrs. Bernazzani in the Middle School Office by Monday, October 1st.


Kendall Hoekstra
Interim Head of Middle School

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Leadership Team Positions and Schedule

For all MS Students:
Advisory Representatives –
One representative will be chosen from each advisory section.  This representatives is expected to attend all leadership team meetings.  He/She is responsible for bringing ideas from his/her advisory to the leadership team and reporting to his/her advisory all announcements from leadership team. 
This position is appropriate for students looking to take on a leadership role in their class.  Advisory Representatives should have ideas about changes and improvements they would like to see made in the school.  They should be comfortable talking in front of classmates and the whole middle school. They will help to plan dances and socials, as well as set up other activities for middle school students.  They will be responsible for implementing new programs and ideas as decided upon by the leadership team.
For 8th Graders Only:
President –
The president will oversee the leadership team.  He/She will be in charge of organizing an agenda for leadership team meetings as well as overseeing all meetings.  The role of the president will require the most time of all leadership positions as he/she may have to spend time organizing events or meetings outside of school.  It is important that this person have the time to dedicate to leadership team.
A successful president will be willing to speak in front of the middle school and even the whole school or parents at times.  He/She should be organized, dedicated to creating a positive environment at MPH, and possess ideas on how to enhance the middle school experience at MPH.  He/She should be comfortable and confident in motivating their fellow classmates.
Vice–President –
The vice-president will assist the president in running the leadership team.  He/She will be in charge of recording what happens at leadership team meetings and distributing this information to the other leadership team members.  He/She should be prepared to help motivate the rest of the leadership team.
A successful vice-president will be comfortable taking notes during meetings, and speaking in front of the middle school and whole school at times.  He/She should be organized, dedicated to creating a positive environment at MPH, and possess ideas on how to enhance the middle school experience at MPH.
 9/25 - day 1 - pres and VP speeches, followed by 8th grade voting 
9/28 - day 3 - tutorial rep speeches in closed tutorials, followed by voting

Instagram Safety

Instagram, a photo sharing application, started in 2010 and slowly began growing until it was bought by Facebook in 2012.  At that point in time, it took off and has grown exponentially since.  Many adults reading this are probably thinking that they use and love Instagram to keep up with their friends and families and to take "cool" pictures with their phones.  Students however are using it in many different ways that we should all be aware of.  Although Instagram has a policy against inappropriate or nude photos, their filters  do not keep all these photos out.  Simply by using some seemingly innocent search phrases, students can end up exposed to inappropriate photos very easily.

The Children Online Newsletter wrote a great article on Instagram this month and I recommend that you check it out.  Their newsletter is quite often full of helpful tips and things to think about so you may want to subscribe to it for free from their website as well (Children Online).  At MPH we are looking at putting together some parent sessions to help you navigate the difficult online waters with a teenager or pre-teen.  Please let me know if you would be interested in something like this and if you would find it helpful.

For all online sites, the key is monitoring what your child is doing both through your own site so you can see what their page looks like as well as by having access to their personal password and site.  This is true on Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus, etc.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Being Social Media Savvy

Another successful day on the books in middle school!  Today was our first full day of classes and I loved seeing students excited about what they were learning.  One of my favorite things about working with kids is asking them at the end of the day what they learned that day and hearing them pour out a really interesting story!  I heard several of those as I waited in the breezeway with students today.

A colleague at school (French teacher Alex Leclercq) shared this article from Mashable with me today and I thought it was worth passing on.  It's entitled "12 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media" and is worth sharing with your children if you get a chance.  The first one doesn't really apply to middle school students, but after that, I think these things are very important for students to know. 

Many of our middle schoolers aren't yet using social media, which makes this the perfect time to talk about what to put out there on the internet and what not to put out there.  It's scary to think that for middle school students, everything they put on the internet now will still be there when they apply to colleges and even begin looking for jobs!  We were all able to live a little more anonymously not too many years ago, but for students nowadays, the anonymity is gone thanks to the internet and social media.  The internet has brought us so many wonderful things, and can really transform education.  At the same time though, it can be a scary place without appropriate boundaries. 

We will be talking about most of these things in technology courses in middle school this year, but feel free to share the list with your child as well.  Let me know if I can help you with the conversation in any way, I'd love to be of assistance if necessary.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Great First Day!

I was so happy to see full hallways and hear students everywhere today.  Our day got off to a very warm start in the gym with the handshake ceremony but thanks to the chair of the board, Pete Carmen, we all learned shaking every teacher's hand on the first day "Is an MPH thing".  I loved being able to welcome every student back with a brief greeting and handshake.  It was a perfect way for me to get to see each and every student today.

The rest of the day continued from our opening ceremony with each of the students' day 1 and day 2 classes meeting for half an hour.  The day seemed to fly by with the shortened periods and with the exception of a few schedule changes, things went smoothly.

Today I was most proud of how our returning students welcomed the new students in the middle school.  We have over 20 new students in the middle school this year coming from as far away as China and South Korea!  Watching students show the new kids to classes and talk to them about their common interests was impressive.  At one point, I was about to introduce a new student to a teacher when an 8th grader beat me to it!  I love seeing how mature our students are and how comfortable they are interacting in new situations.  To me, this ease in all environments is part of what makes MPH special, it must be "an MPH thing"!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome Back!

It doesn't quite seem real yet that school opens tomorrow and students will come pouring through the doors.  I'm so excited to begin the 2012-2013 year with students in my new role as Interim Head of Middle School.  I can't wait to be able to interact with all students in the middle school, to head the new leadership program, and to still teach a few classes.  Mix that in with meeting with parents and other administrators, evaluating our curriculum and grading policies while exploring other options and it's sure to be a busy but exciting year!

I am looking upon this year as though I am a new student.  I have learned so much from working with Jim Eagen over the last 5 years but I know I still have so much to learn.  This summer has opened my eyes and reminded me what it is like to be new again and to feel lost at times.  Please be patient with me as I make this transition.  Know that my #1 concern is supporting all students to help them learn and grow through middle school.  If we all know this is the goal, hopefully we can find a way to compromise to make it happen.

I shared my goals for the year with faculty and I'll give a brief synopsis here.  I feel that sharing goals holds me accountable so feel free to share your goal as well in the comments section if you would like. 

1) Establish a solid leadership program for middle school students
2) Evaluate our current curriculum, acceleration, and grading policies
3) Research new grading, acceleration, and curriculum options to enhance our academic offerings
4) Support faculty as they try out new ideas in the classroom

Enjoy your year, and please contact me if there is anything I can help you with as we navigate these first few days of school, I can't wait!

Monday, September 3, 2012

6th Grade Class Trip

The 6th grade will be heading to YMCA's Frost Valley camp in Claryville, NY from Wednesday, September 12th - Friday, September 14th.  The trip falls very early in the year which means you need to get your permission slips in the first week of school!  I have attached the forms below if you need them, but please return them to Mrs. Bernazzani as soon as possible.

This is a great trip, please contact me if you have any questions about it!

MPH Forms

Frost Valley Health Form

Frost Valley Behavior Contract

Packing List

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Talent Show Information

Remember, the middle school talent show is Friday, February 17th
Applications due January 17th

Talent Show Important Information and Dates

Talent Show Application